Shining A New Light In the Heart of Our Community

This winter, Adam found himself out of work due to circumstances beyond his control. With no savings to fall back on and a roof to keep over his daughter's head, things looked bleak.

While searching for work in the city, Adam's path led him to the Najam Institute's food drive on one of the coldest days this winter. Hesitant at first, he was welcomed with open arms and greeted by the savory aroma of the Plates of Peace hot meals giveaway.

With his hunger gnawing at him, he was served a hot, nutritious meal. This meal to Adam, was more than just food; it came as a form of hope in his darkest hour. A simple yet fulfilling meal warmed Adam's heart and eased a burden he'd been carrying for weeks.

He was moved by the compassion and unity he found at the food drive, by volunteers at the drive and it sparked a glimmer of hope in his tired eyes.

The Najam Institute's hot meals food drive did more than feed Adam; it nourished his spirit, renewed his faith, and ignited a determination to rise from his circumstances.

Adam's story is just one of many that illustrates the profound impact of your donation. Your support can nourish souls and mend lives.

Join us, donate today, and help us extend our reach to more people like Adam.

Plates of Peace

Plates of Peace, serves as a key instrument in mitigating hunger within our community. But our mission exceeds beyond just that. It functions as an effective medium for Islamic Dawah, guiding individuals towards the enlightened path of Islam.

The power of our endeavor was demonstrated in our recent food drive, which witnessed the conversion of 11 individuals to Islam. Each plate we distribute represents our community's solidarity, empathy, and commitment to mutual care - a profound exhibition of our faith.

More than satisfying physical hunger, Plates of Peace seeks to address the spiritual craving for truth, purpose, and divine connection.

By supporting this initiative, you aid in propagating the teachings of Islam and sparking the flame of faith in numerous hearts.

Join us in our mission to end hunger and spread the light of Islam through Najam Institute's food drive.

We Can't Stop Now. We Need Your Help. 

This month on January 14th, 2024, with your generous support, the Najam Institute was able to provide hot meals for over 600 individuals in our community.

The impact of this food drive goes beyond just nourishment - the food drive also served as a platform for Dawah, with 11 individuals accepting Shahadah.

We are grateful for your past support, but the need remains great. Now, more than ever, we need your help to continue these operations and serve even more people in our community.

For the next month we are in need of your support to provide over 800 hot meals for the community in need.

A donation of just $5 could provide a hot meal for an individual coming to our food drive giveaway.

Together, we can banish hunger and spread faith in our community. Your support means everything.

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of goal reached

January Plates of Peace

Fill a Plate, Fill a Heart - ‘Whoever saves one (life) - it is as if he had saved all of humanity’ - The Noble Quraan Surah (5): Al Ma'idah: Ayah 35

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Feeding the hungry, giving food to the needy, and helping people with their needs are all good deeds that can earn us a place in Paradise.